Friday, July 9, 2010

Citizen Journalism is so IN ! =)

Citizen Journalism is a new concept for me as a student in communication course. Well actually I just realised about it’s existences, such as blogger or RSF
Since the massive explosion of easy access technology devices used to publish our idea, story and everything else that we can share, there is a massive increase in citizen journalism.
Furthermore, citizen journalism is the participation of some creative yet unprofessional person who utilise modern technology devices to join the role in collecting, reporting, and spreading some information.

For me, this is a great phenomenon because we can see and get information not only from one sided professional’s journalism that sometimes conceals the truth to gain some advantages.
According to the new media theorist Terry Flew’s perspective,” Citizen journalism can be increased by implying the 3 elements of “the rise of citizen journalism and citizen media”. They are : open publishing, collaborative editing and distributed content.

This perspective increases my awareness in citizen journalism. Even though I see it as an improvement in journalism, but sometimes we cannot avoid explicit contents due to the difficulty of censorship. As citizen journalism is diverse, we need to distinguish its reliable and relevant information.
For example, Facebook is one of easy access to get the idea of citizen journalism. However, sometimes its’ member upload some inappropriate content such as sex tape, raunchy pictures and etc.

But well, we have our right to become a critical person right?? So, let’s participate in citizen journalism!!

Be Critical and Positive!



  1. Citizen journalism is playing an important role in toady society. We can all receive and provide information in the internet. I agree with u that we can be to careful when we are reading information online. But we have to be very careful when it comes to the origins of the sources.

  2. That's right winnie, we can not write anything as we like. We have to consider any issues inside this blogsphere.
