Thursday, July 15, 2010

In Response to " Facebook Violates Privacy Laws"

After read this article that written by Maggie Shiels from BBC News, i am quite surprise. Well, i am a loyal member of Facebook. I check it every day, change my status every 4 or 7 hours, upload every new pictures every where i hang out with my friends, and play the online game with the other members. This article reports that A Canadian privacy group has accusing Facebook publicly due to breaches privacy laws in its country.

It is so disappointing. I might not a professional journalist, but as far as i jump into this citizen journalism field, i learn about few obligation inside this issues, such as ethics, privacy, censorship, etc.
This article also explains what makes Facebook count as " Privacy Ruiner" . For example , in minefield, on the industry leading controls, etc.

Well, in the article that was published on May 31th 2008, Facebook was indicated as one of a social networking that disrespect member's privacy. Why ?? well, according to Canadian Clinic director, Phillipa Lawson, the average members of Facebook are teenagers, which might not understand about the privacy setting, hence it raises vulnerability issues.

Several investigations had been done and it was resulting in the fact that Facebook never destroy member's data after accounts are closed. Facebook also become an access for third party to get our information, which not necessary for them to know.

Furthermore, even though Facebook is known as a social networking, it's also involved in commercial activities such as advertising. I also have this experience, where facebook always promotes celebrity and invite as to join as a member.

Subsequently, Canadian privacy group not only accused facebook due to the breach of privacy laws.According to Lawson, they also use this complaint as "a shot accros the bows of all social networking sites."

So guys, use your privacy setting carefully ! =)))

Friday, July 9, 2010

Citizen Journalism is so IN ! =)

Citizen Journalism is a new concept for me as a student in communication course. Well actually I just realised about it’s existences, such as blogger or RSF
Since the massive explosion of easy access technology devices used to publish our idea, story and everything else that we can share, there is a massive increase in citizen journalism.
Furthermore, citizen journalism is the participation of some creative yet unprofessional person who utilise modern technology devices to join the role in collecting, reporting, and spreading some information.

For me, this is a great phenomenon because we can see and get information not only from one sided professional’s journalism that sometimes conceals the truth to gain some advantages.
According to the new media theorist Terry Flew’s perspective,” Citizen journalism can be increased by implying the 3 elements of “the rise of citizen journalism and citizen media”. They are : open publishing, collaborative editing and distributed content.

This perspective increases my awareness in citizen journalism. Even though I see it as an improvement in journalism, but sometimes we cannot avoid explicit contents due to the difficulty of censorship. As citizen journalism is diverse, we need to distinguish its reliable and relevant information.
For example, Facebook is one of easy access to get the idea of citizen journalism. However, sometimes its’ member upload some inappropriate content such as sex tape, raunchy pictures and etc.

But well, we have our right to become a critical person right?? So, let’s participate in citizen journalism!!

Be Critical and Positive!
